Recruiting nonprofit leaders who “fit” versus those with skills and experience may confound volunteer boards of directors A conversation with top nonprofit leadership of an organization early in the process of seeking a new CEO brought to mind an earlier blog topic about “charisma versus competency.” As I listened to the leaders of the organization […]
Posts tagged "CEO recruitment"
Nonprofit Business Plan

Make your Nonprofit Business Plan volunteer-friendly and do math for fundraising/financial efficiency I recently spoke with board leaders of a long-standing nonprofit organization who were seeking an executive director to run operations. This would be the first executive director ever hired by the organization and they had yet to develop a nonprofit business plan. Through discussion, […]
CEO recruitment, charity fundraising, fundraising, leadership, nonprofit business, nonprofit management, rudolph-rosen, rudy rosen, strategic planning, volunteer empowermentNonprofit CEO recruitment risks: Insider advantage vs. association management expertise
Insider advantage vs. association management expertise: With nonprofit CEO recruitment the choice is not always obvious With the economy beginning to surge (slightly), nonprofit CEO recruitment has become the subject of questions I have received. Selection committees are seeing attractive job applicants well-experienced in managing nonprofit associations, but who have little or no professional credentials […]
CEO recruitment, leadership, nonprofit, nonprofit board, nonprofit business, nonprofit ceo recruitment, Nonprofit Leadership, nonprofit management, nonprofit volunteers, rudolph-rosen, rudy rosen, volunteer empowermentLeadership Competency versus Charisma
Don’t confuse leadership with charisma A successful association leader and I were visiting recently when the topic of “charismatic” nonprofit executives and leadership came up. We discussed seeing numerous employment ads for executive leadership where in almost every one “charismatic” seemed to be the key qualification sought. It was a timely discussion. I mentioned a […]
CEO recruitment, nonprofit, rudy rosen